For a long time, the red, thoriated tungsten electrodes were the first choice in TIG welding. In some places they are still considered the best solution for welding with direct current of high-alloy and stainless steels. Because of its radioactivity through the doping element thorium, it is now banned in many countries. An excellent replacement with better properties is the tungsten electrode E3® developed by ABICOR BINZEL with a mixture of rare earth oxides as doping elements.
Because environmental and health aspects are becoming more and more important, the E3® electrode is the best choice – for all TIG welding applications. This means that the welder is not exposed to any radioactivity, storage does not have to take place under special protective measures and residual pieces or grinding dust do not fall into the category of hazardous waste. The E3® needle is manufactured in the ABICOR BINZEL production network, complies with the DIN EN ISO 6848 standard and guarantees the highest product quality.
Is the quality of the weld seam just as important to you as the ignition properties and arc stability? If you don't want to lose anything in whatever point, it's best to choose the E3® from ABICOR BINZEL.
E3® advantages at a glance: