Passi Test Plus is a tool designed for those who need to know exactly the real quality of the stainless steel. It consists of a “probe pen” – which will be put on the surface to be tested – containing the electrochemical system and a reading and storage external unity. Passi Test Plus measures the open-circuit potential and the nobility of a metal (and consequently its resistance to corrosion). The test, which is non-destructive nor damaging, is fast (the result is given in 15 seconds) and numerical: while the other passivation tests, purely chemical, are based on the interpretation of a colour (ferrocyanide test), thus offering a strongly subjective datum, often distorted by superficial impurities, Passi Test Plus releases an exact and not disputable numerical value.
The Passi Test Plus internal system is calibrated in such a way that the zero is the discriminating point: if the value is higher than zero, then the stainless steel is passivated, if the value is lower than zero, the passivation is either scarce or non-existent. As such, it is possible to compare different kinds of stainless steel: the higher than zero is the value, the better the passivation of the sample; the lower than zero is the value, the worse is the passivation of the tested stainless steel.
In addition: Passi Test Plus has a microprocessor card, a wide screen, and an internal memory that allow to execute either a Free test (simply to check, without data storage) or a Quality Control Test. It is possible to set up different USER IDs and passwords, so that each user has reserved access to the certification function; once they log in, they can insert a batch number and a serial number that will then be associated with the operator and with the test date and time. Hence, they can obtain a report of the treatments that have been performed, to verify, for instance, the enhancement of the stainless steel passivation after the superficial treatment. Thanks to the software equipment, the report can be downloaded as a .pdf file in any PCs, simply through a USB connection
The use of Passi Test Plus is thus addressed not only to stainless steel welders, but more generally to those who use and transform the stainless steel and want to check and prove its real quality.